Hot relaxation for cold days
Checkmark Icon Panoramic Glass
Checkmark Icon German lime tree and spruce
Checkmark Icon Exterior: Weatherproof HPL
Checkmark Icon Special dimensions possible
Info & prices
Moderne Design-Gartensauna aus HPL

The modern garden sauna

Checkmark Icon Finnish sauna Checkmark Icon Bio steam sauna Checkmark Icon Weatherproof, UV-resistant & maintenance-free

The modern designer garden sauna @sauna with XXL glass front is weatherproof and UV-resistant.
Can be used as a Finnish sauna or steam bio-sauna - with high-quality steam bio-sauna heater and fine aspen wood.

Moderne Gartensauna mit XXL Panoramaglas

Our garden sauna in detail

Model @sauna
Dimensions 240 x 240 x 245 cm (bxtxh)
Panoramic Glass ca. 205 x 200 cm (bxh)
Wood German lime tree and spruce
Use Finnish sauna & Bio steam sauna
Stove Harvia Virta bio steam sauna heater, 9 KW
Price from 24.990,00 €

Sauna garden house combination

Features of our garden sauna

The basis of our high-quality outdoor sauna is a wooden substructure with insulation, which is covered with weather-resistant, UV-resistant HPL panels. Homogeneous gap dimensions in the millimetre range, panoramic glazing for a view of nature, high-quality materials and Made in Germany are just a few further highlights. An unbeatable advantage of our garden sauna is the weather resistance: you’ll never need to waterproof, paint or treat this outdoor sauna in any other way.

Inside the sauna, high-quality german lime tree and spruce is used, which exudes the typical sauna charm and scent. The garden sauna is heated by a Harvia Virta steam bio-sauna heater with a capacity of 9 kW. This makes it possible to operate as a Finnish sauna or steam bio-sauna. Other highlights include the designer benches with integrated backrests, the integrated control with touch panel and wi-fi connection, LED lighting with remote control, door sensor, child safety lock, overheating protection and much more.

This is what our customers are saying about @sauna Garden Sauna

@gart Garden Sauna has an average of 5 out of 5 stars based on 150 reviews on google.

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@sauna References

Garden sauna with integrated sauna stove and design benches

Our garden sauna is far more than standard

The construction of our outdoor sauna is based on our modular and award-winning garden house system, which we have been selling internationally for 10 years in all sizes, designs and colours. The modular design developed by us allows maximum flexibility in the implementation of your garden sauna: For example, a large number of dimensions are possible with regard to the base area.

It is also possible to easily merge the “sauna + garden house” functions. In this way, you have just one structure to serve two purposes at the same time: On the one side, there is a storage facility for garden utensils, cushions, garden tools, lawnmower, bicycles and so on – and on the other side, the outdoor sauna with its own access. And the best thing about it: Visually, your sauna garden house is just one item, thanks to the all-encompassing exterior shell made of HPL.

Another possibility for expansion is the conversion of the garden sauna in combination with a relaxation room. In that way, you can experience luxurious wellness in your very own garden: Enjoy a sauna and relax in your own sauna with an adjoining relaxation area, dimensioned according to your wishes.

Outdoor sauna with integrated LED lighting

Features and technical details

Our outdoor sauna made of natural Finnish aspen (solid wood) can be used as a Finnish sauna and as a steam bio-sauna. A black Harvia Virta 9 kW Combi bio heater, which has a stainless steel water tank for the steam sauna operation, will soon make you sweat. The electronic sauna control with console / colour display by HUUM is permanently built into the sauna. If there is a wi-fi signal, it is possible to control the sauna via wi-fi - this means that the sauna can also be switched on while you're out and about using the app on your smartphone.

The temperature can be individually adjusted up to 100°C, with a display of the “target temperature” and “actual temperature” with timer, door sensor, child lock and overheating protection. The mood lighting is provided by two integrated LED light strips installed in the designer backrest and under the sauna bench and can be operated by remote control.

Perfect for your garden: Garden sauna made-to-measure

We have the right solution for every desired configuration: we are happy to manufacture your garden sauna to your specifications!

Each outdoor sauna can be individually made-to-measure, if desired. Let us know your wishes and our experienced designers will work out a solution that is right for you. Combinations of sauna and garden house or sauna with relaxation area are no problem.

Request your desired configuration now

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design@garten Auszeichnungen und Preise

Plenty of reasons to trust us

You can take it literally that our products are excellent in quality and design, because we have it written in black and white. We’ve already received both national and international awards for our outdoor garden houses and garden cupboards! However proud we are of our awards, we’re continually striving to improve our products.

Receive a @sauna-quotation now without obligation

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Non-binding quotation, detailed information and personal advice: we are available by telephone or e-mail to create a non-binding quotation or to plan your custom-made outdoor furniture.

We look forward to hearing from you!

+49 (0) 821 - 998 511 30
